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A group of people are plunged into a dark, claustrophobic maze, where they must fight to survive, as the outside world watches.


Andron (2015) is an intense and gripping sci-fi thriller that takes viewers on a heart-pounding journey through a dark and claustrophobic maze. A diverse group of people find themselves unexpectedly thrust into this mysterious maze, where they must fight for their lives while being observed by the outside world. As they navigate through this treacherous labyrinth, they quickly realize that their survival depends on their wit, teamwork, and cunning.

The film focuses on the individual struggles and personal growth of each character as they confront their fears and push themselves to their limits. The tension rises as they encounter various challenges and deadly adversaries in their quest for freedom. With each twist and turn, the characters must outsmart their ruthless captors and escape this seemingly impossible death trap.

Andron combines elements of science fiction, action, and suspense to create a thrilling viewing experience. The dark and claustrophobic atmosphere adds to the sense of urgency and danger, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats. The film's stunning visual effects and gripping soundtrack further enhance the suspenseful narrative.

Overall, Andron is a must-watch for fans of intense action thrillers, offering an adrenaline-filled ride that hooks audiences from start to finish.

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Release Date:

03 Jun 2016


Francesco Cinquemani