Point Blank
Point Blankhttps://nyafilm5.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/MV5BMDNmYzgxOWItNTA0Zi00M2RhLWIwN2QtYzk1NDVhNTY4ZTk2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjUzOTY1NTc@._V1_SX300.jpg
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Point Blank

After being double-crossed and left for dead, a mysterious man named Walker single-mindedly tries to retrieve the money that was stolen from him.


Point Blank (1967) is a captivating crime thriller directed by John Boorman. The film follows the story of a man named Walker who finds himself double-crossed and left for dead after a robbery. Fueled by revenge and the determination to retrieve the stolen money, Walker embarks on a relentless quest to track down those responsible.

Set against the backdrop of a gritty and atmospheric 1960s Los Angeles, Point Blank showcases stylish cinematography and a gripping narrative that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. As Walker digs deeper into the criminal underworld, he encounters a range of colorful characters, including corrupt police officers and mob bosses.

What sets Point Blank apart from typical revenge movies is its introspective exploration of Walker's psyche. Through flashbacks, dreams, and hallucinations, the film delves into Walker's troubled past and his motivations, weaving a complex and thought-provoking tale.

Boorman's direction and Lee Marvin's commanding performance as Walker elevate Point Blank into a cinematic masterpiece. With its intense action sequences, dynamic visual style, and a gripping plot, Point Blank remains a must-watch for fans of crime films and suspenseful thrillers.

Don't miss this genre-defining classic that set the blueprint for future revenge movies – Point Blank is sure to captivate viewers with its compelling story and unforgettable characters.

Also Known As:

Point Blank

Release Date:

31 Aug 1967


Alexander Jacobs, David Newhouse, Rafe Newhouse


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